The Beaumont Hotel – Antony Gormley Sculpture Unveiled
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Yesterday the Richmond team attended the much-anticipated unveiling of leading contemporary artist Antony Gormley’s most recent work; a human shaped steel installation. Emerging from the façade of The Beaumont Hotel in Mayfair in a cubistic, robot-like fashion, the statue overlooks Brown Hart Gardens. In the interior of the sculpture, Gormley has created ‘Room’, a luxury suite concealed within the body of the crouching giant. The metallic exterior is a contrast to the darkened cave-like interior with fumed German oak paneling. Guests will pass through a marbled bathroom and climb a narrow set of steps up to the bedroom, where they will find themselves encased in the statue.
The Beaumont Hotel, Jeremy King and Chris Corbin’s first hotel, will open this autumn. Richmond International has been commissioned to design the interiors, encapsulating the elegance, glamour and personalised hospitality of pre-war Mayfair. With 73 rooms, including 22 suites, its grandeur will include a Restaurant and American Bar at the heart of the hotel, a separate Residents’ Bar & Lounge, Boardroom, and a Gymnasium and Turkish Bath.